Choosing the right e-commerce platform depends on your business's specific needs, budget, and...
Embracing the 404 Page: Unveiling the Importance Behind Error Messages
Jun 24, 2023
Craft a killer 404 page that delights your users, boosts your credibility, and helps you stay on...
Alt Tags: The Importance of Accessibility and SEO in Website Design
May 15, 2023
Accessibility should be the top priority when writing alt tags, but can include keywords to...
Psychology of Trust: A digital marketing necessity
Feb 16, 2023
According to a study by Stanford University, 75% of people judge the credibility of a business...
WordPress for Business Websites: Benefits, Drawbacks, and Considerations
Jan 20, 2023
WordPress is highly flexible and can be used to create a wide range of websites, from simple blogs...
Psychology of trust on the web
Mar 2, 2012
Make the overall experience of visiting your website trustworthy and you'll have happy buyers....
What is the big idea about color
Aug 19, 2011
Our subconscious brains are doing a lot of thinking for us and strongly influence our decisions...
Why Some Websites Fail to Launch: Common Reasons and Solutions
Jun 25, 2011
The reason for website failure was tied to a lack of in-depth advance planning and follow-through....
What does web design cost?
Jun 13, 2011
There are several things to look for when considering how much to pay for digital marketing...
Batter Up! This week’s new website launches
Jun 13, 2011
Here are some previews of the sites we knocked out, Harlow Aerostructures and Clearsite Windshield...